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Hello! I am Lynette Jennings, Owner and Floral Designer of Lynette Kay Florals. Before I introduce myself further, I want to thank you for visiting my cite and look forward to any interactions with you!


I absolutely love what I do, not just because I get to create but because of the people I get to interact with. It seems that each client or customer has made a positive dent on me and I hope to leave the same. This explains my slogan, "It's more than just flowers." Because I enjoy each individual I get to design for. 


I have more recently begun on my floral design business, but I have always loved any type of design from florals to houses! In college I focused on interior design, while always having a love for art and creating- I decided to combine the two and create florals. 


I am located in Greenville, South Carolina. I love everything about this place- the small town feeling, the tight knit community and the smiles the beam from all people. 


I would love to speak with you about anything from floral arrangements for a specific event, weddings, or a one time arrangement- I am here to meet all of your needs!

Check out my contact page for more information

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